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2018/08/09 'Iba' is a song by Nigerian-French singer, Asa.It was released on January 1, 2007. The record is lifted from his first studio project titled "Asa (Asha)", an 11-tracked classic studio album.'Iba' serves as the 11th song on the album. serves as the 11th song on the album. STREAM/DOWNLOAD MP3 Asa – Good Thing Lyrics [Verse 1] Over waiting for you This plane is leaving without you ‘Cause… Asa – “Good Thing” Asa comes with “Good Thing“. French Nigerian Afro-jazz and indie pop singer 'Bibanke' is a song by Nigerian-French singer, Asa.It was released on January 1, 2007. The record is lifted from his first studio project titled "Asa (Asha)", an 11-tracked classic studio album.'Bibanke' serves as the 3rd song on the album. serves as the 3rd song on the album. 2017/09/27 完全無料で使えるピアノ系音楽素材です。フリーのBGMとして利用できます。ピアノ演奏に定評のあるプロの作曲家が趣味で作成したものばかりです。数も多いですし商用利用も可能です。お気軽にお使い …
- 1557
- 1111
- 736
- 583
- 852
- 1144
- 1843
- 870
- 1708
- 1760
- 1845
- 358
- 1283
- 1809
- 244
- 950
- 513
- 501
- 104
- 1515
- 1024
- 478
- 1612
- 288
- 1945
- 1134
- 1080
- 1890
- 1704
- 217
- 101
- 1302
- 1827
- 1362
- 57
- 924
- 1280
- 1455
- 959
- 928
- 613
- 341
- 761
- 842
- 1398
- 1379
- 1098
- 300
- 1393
- 497
- 1266
- 1714
- 45
- 657
- 1079
- 1499
- 449
- 639
- 1719
- 64
- 1953
- 1166
- 1491
- 1659
- 544
- 532
- 1922
- 1752
- 1320
- 1670
- 901
- 1046
- 1146
- 587
- 412
- 138
- 1446
- 547
- 1755
- 1983
- 1590
- 311
- 1721
- 836
- 1588
- 1782
- 705
- 979
- 1426
- 832